Shabbat - Parshat Vayera

November 1, 2023

17 Heshvan 5784


Rabbi on the Portion Vayera:

When Eliminating Evil and Preserving Our Humanitarianism Converge

In this week's Torah portion Vayera, the military Abraham (from last week) is replaced by the compassionate Abraham, defender of human rights.

Abraham pleads with God to spare the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, for the sake of even ten righteous people.

I believe Abraham serves as a model for how the Israeli army traditionally behaves.

As the world ignorantly condemns Israel for lacking humanitarianism, my argument is that Israel and its military, more than any nation in the world, lives and acts by the humanitarian principles of Abraham.

Tune in for more.

Peace for Israel and the Jewish people.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Klayman


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