Shabbat - Pinchas

July 24, 2024
18 Tammuz 5784


Rabbi on the Portion

Phineas and the Dangers of Vigilantism

Hello All,

Some of you might remember the story of Bernard Getz, who killed several young people trying to rob him on a New York Subway train.

There was much debate concerning his actions: Was he defending himself and thereby sending a message to discourage anyone considering a similar crime? Or, were his actions above the law and creating a dangerous precedent for the future?

Such questions about vigilantism arise as part of the Torah narrative we read this week, in the story of Pinchas/Phineas.

Pinchas kills an Israelite and a Midianite for their elicit relationship. He was rewarded but were his actions justified?

Does rewarding him set a dangerous precedent for faith in general?

Tune in for more.

Shabbat Shalom,
Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Klayman


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