Shabbat - Chukkat

July 10, 2024
4 Tammuz 5784


Rabbi on the Portion

Life is Often Unfair

Whether we come from affluent, modest, or impoverished environments, many of us lament the unfairness of life. Some of us regret having to struggle economically and socially. Some of us, accustomed to open-ended doors, are shocked when certain doors of life are abruptly shut.

This week's Torah portion, Chukkat, calls attention to the FAIRNESS of life, through narratives about the three most prominent Israelites in Torah history.

For a look at the narratives and my response to them, I introduce the video below.

Shabbat Shalom,
Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Klayman


Shabbat - Balak


Shabbat - Korach