Shabbat - Shelach Lecha
June 26, 2024
20 Sivan 5784
Rabbi on the Portion
Shelakh Lekha and the Limits of Contrariness
I have always supported healthy debate and disagreement, both within the political world and the Jewish world. Disagreement can often lead to positive results, within our private lives, our professional lives, and even within our Jewish lives. One of the keys to Jewish continuity lies in our willingness to respect status quo but not to canonize it. Judaism remains a vibrant and evolving tradition, because each generation is welcomed to articulate and to incorporate its unique vision into the greater Jewish experience.
However, there are limits to both debate and contrariness. In my discussion of this week's portion Shelakh Lekha, I offer some illustrations.
I hope you will tune in!
Shabbat Shalom,
Am Yisrael Chai,
Rabbi Klayman