Parshat Noach

October 30, 2024
28 Tishrei 5785


Rabbi on the Portion

Noah and a Morality Beyond Dispute

At one time or another, each of us has 'justified' some behavior or decision even when the circumstances were questionable. After all, we are human, doing our best to navigate through a challenging world.

On a global level, does Judaism offer definitive concepts of good, morality, and evil?

The short answer is YES, and one illustration is central to this week's Torah portion of Noah.

Please tune in for clarification.

Happy November...

Hag Sameach,
Shabbat Shalom,
Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Klayman


Parshat Lech Lecha


Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah & Braisheet