Shabbat - Kedoshim

May 8, 2024
30 Nisan 5784


Rabbi on the Portion

Kedoshim and the Agony of Deceit

Regarding the student demonstrations on campuses throughout America:
I support the exercise of free speech.

However, I do not support:
Verbal and physical assaults on Jews, in the false name of free speech...

The singling out of ONE community exclusively while dismissing the human rights violations throughout the globe...

Demonstrations instigated by sinister outside forces (and we will hear more about such forces in the coming weeks)...

Protests predicated on false and inaccurate information...

Deceit is one of the featured themes in this week's Torah portion Kedoshim...

A Jew must be vigilant in guarding against deceitful behavior and call out deceitful behavior of others...

Many of the campus protests are straddling the line between legitimate free speech and behavior I consider deceitful and dishonest..

Tune in for my thoughts...

Shabbat Shalom,
B’sorot Tovot (Good News Ahead)
Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Klayman


Shabbat - Emor


Shabbat - Parshat Aharay Mot