Shabbat - Parshat Tetzaveh
February 21, 2024
12 Adar-1 5784
Rabbi on the Portion
Tetzaveh and the Clothing Within Us
Hello All,
There are certain stereotypes which never applied to me.
For example, I could spend hours in a department store (for myself or for my family) without a moment of boredom.
Clothes do matter.
At times they convey a sense of professionalism.
At other times, they reflect a healthy respect for the occasion.
However, while clothes may provide insight into who we are they do not define us.
Fashion does not convey character.
The latter requires far more depth...
In this week's video on the portion Tetzaveh,
I share one of my all time favorite stories;
one which offers insight about the portion and about life.
Please tune in!
Shabbat Shalom,
Am Yisrael Chai,
Rabbi Klayman