Shabbat - Parshat Vaera

January 10, 2024
29 Tevet 5784


Rabbi on the Portion

Compassion But No Regrests

Hello Everyone,

With this week's Torah portion VAERA we begin the story of Israel's liberation and Egypt's downfall. The Egyptian people suffer from a series of crippling plagues, which cause suffering throughout the nation.

Jewish ritual guides our contemporary response to those plagues, but in a fashion unique and perhaps even objectionable.

In the attached video, I share our tradition's response to those plagues, and offer parallels between past and present (specifically regarding Israel's war with Hamas).

Does Judaism suggest any response other than rejoicing over the downfall of an enemy?

Tune in for my observations.

Shabbat Shalom,

Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Klayman


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