Shabbat - Ki Tetze

September 11, 2024
8 Elul 5784


Rabbi on the Portion

For the Sake of Our Cherished Community

Hi All,

Our popular Rabbinic work, Pirke Avot (Teachings of our Sages) offers a glimpse into a central theme of Jewish, communal living:

One who says What is mine is yours
and what is yours is yours
is a pious person...

Contrary to contemporary thinking, Judaism is predicated on the notion of altruism and community minded thinking.

In my commentary below, I address Judaism's view of the collective, through one piece of legislation ripe with modern application.

Take a peek...

Shabbat Shalom,
Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Klayman


Shabbat - Ki Tavo


Shabbat - Shoftim